

User authenticates using username and password, server sets a signed cookie containing serialized user info

Managing disks in Linux

Hard disk drives (HDDs) and Solid state drives (SSDs) are currently the most widespread high capacity storage devices. When such a drive is connected to a computer running Linux, it can be found in the device directory <em>/dev/</em> under the name <em>sdX</em>, where <em>X</em> is a letter changing for each drive.

Kubernetes persistent volumes

Applications deployed on a Kubernetes cluster run inside containers. As a consequence, their file system is that of the container, which means that if the container is removed, the data it contained is lost.

Gitlab CI dealing with credentials

GitLab can automatically dockerize applications using the appropriate CI configuration. However, for obvious security reasons, it is bad practice to include credentials in a git repository. Consequently, the CI pipeline is by default not in a position to include credentials in the dockerized application, which most likely prevents the latter from running as intended.

Kubectl pull new version of image without changes to manifest

When using kubectl apply using an already applied and unchanged manifest file, nothing happens on the Kubernetes cluster. However, deployments can be configured so as to always pull a new version image upon restart. This is achieved using the, <code>imagePullPolicy: Always</code> parameter:

Mongoose bulk update upsert

MongoDB's upsert option enables the creation of a new document if the query of an update operationdoesn't match any existing document. Basically, an update command with upsert creates a document if it does notexist already, and update it otherwise.

Docker restart container when docker restarts

Simply add the following flag when using docker run

Gitlab CI commands for TF serving

This is an example .gitlab-ci.yml file which can be used to containerize and deploy a tensorflow model

Kubectl create deplpoyment and service at same time

Simply add entries for both the deployment and the service in the same manifest, separeted by ---

Serving a Keras model using Tensorflow serving and Docker

A Keras model can be created in various ways, for example using the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">sequential model</a>:
AI / MLTensorFlowKerasDocker