Python virtual environments
When working on multiple python projects, dependencies might conflict. For example, a project might use version 1.5 of Tensorflow while another uses version 2.1.
Tensorflow 1.X basics
Here are the basics steps necessary to write TensorFlow code.
Force IE to use its latest version
Depending on the settings, Internet Explorer can decide to render webpages using a lower version, which can result in compatibility issues.
Swift basics
Here are some of the basis of the Swift programming language
Some C concepts
C is widely considered to be a difficult programming language. Here are various code snippets to help make some sense of it.
Python list slicing
Here are a few useful features of Python when dealing with lists (Arrays):
Express authorization middleware
Many applications require some form of authorization mechanism to prevent users from accessing restricted content. Authenticated users are commonly in possession of a cookie containing identification data. With the authentication microservice that I designed, this cookie contains a JWT that contains the user's username. This JWT is sent in the authorization header of HTTP requests. Thus, authorization can be performed easily within each application by simply decoding the JWT. To do so, I designed this simple middleware for ExpressJS.
<p>LINE offers an API to developers looking into creating chat bots. I created my own so that I could send myself notifications.</p>
Low pass filter for Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32
A low pass filter written as class for Arduino code
Finances management web app
Most banks nowadays provide e-banking interfaces that allow clients to monitor the state of their accounts. However, each bank has its own system and the provided interfaces sometimes lack functionalities. Consequently, I decided to create my own finance dashboard, that combines information regarding multiple accounts. Currently I use it to keep track of my bank accounts balance over time as well as provide a breakdown of my transactions.