
Installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu 18.04

VirtualBox used to be installed easily using apt, but this recently changed. Here is a method proven to work:

Kubernetes and Docker equivalence

Kubernetes and Docker equivalence thumbnail
Kubernetes is a container orchestration system. As such, it features functions that are similar to that of Docker. If a container can be run with the Docker CLI, it can also be run equivalently using Kubernetes. This articles highlights such equivalence by presenting how to deploy a PostgreSQL instance using both technologies.

Docker restart container when docker restarts

Simply add the following flag when using docker run

Dissecting a Kubernetes manifest

Dissecting a Kubernetes manifest thumbnail
Kubernetes manifests can seem quite daunting at first, but it is important to understand that their apparent complexity is simply a result of the large number of customization options. In the end, manifests are used to deploy resources that interact with each other, which, among others, lead to the correct operations of containerized applications. Consequently, resources specified in a manifest must be configured accordingly. This article aims at explaining how manifests are structured to do so.

NodeJS modules

A JavaScript file can be imported as a module into another file using the <code>require</code> command. For example, he file myPackage.js can be imported as so:

Network basics

When data needs to be exchanged between several computers, those need to be connected to each other, i.e. forming a network.

Swift basics

Here are some of the basis of the Swift programming language


This tutorial explains how to setup a Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP), server.

Vue3 Options vs Composition API

This article presents code snippets illustrating how to transition from the Options API to the Composition API in Vue 3.

Users and groups in Linux

In linux, or at least Ubuntu, a user can be added using: