
Docker HTTP (insecure) registry

By default Docker refuses to push/pull from registries that are not served using HTTPS.

Docker behind a proxy

Docker does not use environment variables for proxy configuration. This article presents how to configure Docker to use a proxy.

Self hosted Docker registry

When using the <code>docker pull</code> command, container images are by default downloaded from docker hub, the official public registry for container images. However, for some projects, images are better stored on a private platform. This can be achieved by hosting one's own docker registry.

kubectl basics

Here are some of the basic kubectl commands.

Git store credentials

Having to enter one's credentials for every push to a remote can be annoying. Here is to have git save those credentials for future uses.

Minikube using insecure registry

By default, Minikube will not allow the usage of insecure docker registries. To change this setting, Minikube can be started as so:

Installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu 18.04

VirtualBox used to be installed easily using apt, but this recently changed. Here is a method proven to work:

Apache reverse proxy for web app

Let's imagine that we've just finished developping a NodeJS application that listens for HTTP requests on port 8086 and that we have an Apache2 instance listening on port 80.

Javascript self-executing functions

In Javascript, a function can be defined as so:

Callbacks in Javascript

Here is a simple javascript function that is designed to print its argument in the console: