
Quasar and i18n-ally

Quasar and i18n-ally thumbnail
This article Quasar integrates i18n fairly well but its suggested usage does not suit the i18n-ally VS code extension very well. This article presents how to adapt the quasar proposed i18n usage so that i18n-ally can be used properly.has no summary

Python virtual environments

When working on multiple python projects, dependencies might conflict. For example, a project might use version 1.5 of Tensorflow while another uses version 2.1.

Python list slicing

Here are a few useful features of Python when dealing with lists (Arrays):

Puppeteer setup for NodeJS

Puppeteer is a headless browser with which NodeJS can interact to automate web pages manipulation.

Publish a module to NPM

This article is based on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">this publiation</a>.

Persistent HDD APM settings

Persistent HDD APM settings thumbnail
An HDD can be configured to spin down after a certain time via the APM settings which can be managed by smartctl. Unfortunately, those settings do not persist after a reboot. This article presents a solution to the problem

Passing variables to Kubernetes manifest

When using kubectl apply, environment variables in Kubernetes manifests are not parsed. For this to happen, the envsubst command can be used.

PET bottle collecting robot

PET bottle collecting robot thumbnail
While at university, two friends and I registered as a team for the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">EPFL robots competition</a>. The objective of the competition is to build a robot that would collect PET bottles inside an arena and bring them back to a collection area. We figured the robot would need to be designed with a storage space as well as some form of path finding algorithm if we wanted it to be able to carry bottles to the collection area so decided to simply skip the step. Instead, we designed the robot as a bottle cannon that would shoot the bottles in the collection area.

OpenProject in Kubernetes

OpenProject is an awesome project management application that can be installed on one's own server. This makes it ideal for users who want to keep control over their data. However, at the time of writing this article, OpenProject does not yet provide installation methods for Kubernetes so I decided to write my own manifest files.

Odroid XU4 server

Odroid XU4 server thumbnail
Having one's own server provides the ability to run web services 24/7. However, having a computer running all the time can significantly increase one's electricity bill. The objective of this project was to build a low power home server capable of running common software (Apache, Node.js, etc.) while only consuming little power.
3D printingProjectsLinux