
connect-history-api-fallback ignore certain routes

For example, if the route /file needs to be handled by express and not the single page application:

Mongoose bulk update upsert

MongoDB's upsert option enables the creation of a new document if the query of an update operationdoesn't match any existing document. Basically, an update command with upsert creates a document if it does notexist already, and update it otherwise.

Creating a private docker registry for Kubernetes

A docker registry can be run easily using as a docker container using docker itself.

Kubernetes persistent volumes

Applications deployed on a Kubernetes cluster run inside containers. As a consequence, their file system is that of the container, which means that if the container is removed, the data it contained is lost.


User authenticates using username and password, server sets a signed cookie containing serialized user info

Puppeteer setup for NodeJS

Puppeteer is a headless browser with which NodeJS can interact to automate web pages manipulation.

Nextcloud Apache2 configuration

Here is an example configuration file to use Nextcloud with an Apache2 server in Ubuntu. Here, it is assumed that nextcloud install is located in <code>/var/www/</code>

Divide container in equally sized divs

Let's imagine a container with three divs as content:

Rebuilding the Odroid XU4 server

Rebuilding the Odroid XU4 server thumbnail
In a previous article I showcased a simple home server built around an Odroid XU4, which I dismantled soon after migrating to a full-size desktop computer. However, having the Odroid laying around unused was a bit of a waste and I recently started needing a secondary file server to store data backups. So I decided to build a new server with the single board computer
Projects3D printingCAD

4WD robot

4WD robot thumbnail
I found a cheap 4 wheel drive chassis on eBay and decided to make a remote controlled robot out of it. Thus, I made a simple board with two H-bridge modules, an NRF24L01 wireless module and Arduino pro mini.