Kubectl create deplpoyment and service at same time
Simply add entries for both the deployment and the service in the same manifest, separeted by ---
Sending pictures via http with an ESP32-CAM
Pictures taken with the ESP32-CAM can be sent in a multipart/form-data type content via HTTP. Here is a sample code to achieve this:
Controlling a motor using an H bridge
A DC motor model can be as simple as: T = K * I where T is the torque provided by the motor, K the motor constant and I the current that flows through it. From this simple model, one can see that if the sign of the current changes, that of the torque also changes. Thus, changing the direction of rotation of a DC motor is a simple as reverting flow into it.
Publish a module to NPM
This article is based on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">this publiation</a>.
Callbacks in Javascript
Here is a simple javascript function that is designed to print its argument in the console:
Javascript self-executing functions
In Javascript, a function can be defined as so:
Minikube using insecure registry
By default, Minikube will not allow the usage of insecure docker registries. To change this setting, Minikube can be started as so:
Installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu 18.04
VirtualBox used to be installed easily using apt, but this recently changed. Here is a method proven to work:
Git store credentials
Having to enter one's credentials for every push to a remote can be annoying. Here is to have git save those credentials for future uses.
kubectl basics
Here are some of the basic kubectl commands.