

Persistent HDD APM settings

Persistent HDD APM settings thumbnail
An HDD can be configured to spin down after a certain time via the APM settings which can be managed by smartctl. Unfortunately, those settings do not persist after a reboot. This article presents a solution to the problem

GitLab Microk8s >1.24 certificate based integration

GitLab Microk8s >1.24 certificate based integration thumbnail
With newer versions of Microk8s, its GitLab integration changes slightly. Here are the key differences

Solving Kong latency problems in Kubernetes

Solving Kong latency problems in Kubernetes thumbnail
Kong is a popular API gateway that can be used as a reverse proxy for clients to access back-end services. It can be run as a Docker container and, as such, can be deployed to Kubernetes. However, when doing so, requests might be severely impacted by unusually high latency. This can be solved by configuring the order in which Kong resolves DNS records.

Node.js testing for multiple environment variables

Node.js testing for multiple environment variables thumbnail
Some applications might require the same codebase to be tested with different sets of environment variables. This article proposes a simple way to do so.

Generating certificates for an Aruba Instant AP using pfSense

Generating certificates for an Aruba Instant AP using pfSense thumbnail
Aruba IAP can use custom certificates when serving the Web UI over HTTPS. Those certificates can be generated, among others, using pfSense. This can be useful when trying to get rid of browser warnings regarding untrusted HTTPS connections

Docker images and containers management

Here are a few commands to manage docker images and containers


Samba is a piece of software used to share directories over a network. Directories shared using samba appear as network folders on the file manager of computers that are on the same network.

Updating Ingresses to

Updating Ingresses to thumbnail
Using Ingress with the extensions/v1beta1 API has been deprecated in Kubernetes 1.14 and will be removed in 1.22. This article presents how to update an existing manifest to the new API,

Kubectl pull new version of image without changes to manifest

When using kubectl apply using an already applied and unchanged manifest file, nothing happens on the Kubernetes cluster. However, deployments can be configured so as to always pull a new version image upon restart. This is achieved using the, <code>imagePullPolicy: Always</code> parameter:

Kubectl create deplpoyment and service at same time

Simply add entries for both the deployment and the service in the same manifest, separeted by ---