


Cookies are key-value pairs stored on a web browser. They can be set (i.e. created) using client-side JavaScript. Conversely, a server can get a client's browser to set cookies via instructions in an HTTP response. As such, cookies can be set by both the client and the server.

Deploying a TensorFlow model on a Jetson Nano using TensorFlow serving and K3s

The Nvidia Jetson Nano constitutes a low cost platform for AI applications, ideal for edge computing.However, due to the architecture of its CPU, deploying applications to the SBC can be challenging. In this guide, we'll install and configure K3s, a lightweight kubernetes distribution made specifically for edge devices. Once done we'll build and deploy an TensorFlow model in the K3s cluster.

Dissecting a Kubernetes manifest

Dissecting a Kubernetes manifest thumbnail
Kubernetes manifests can seem quite daunting at first, but it is important to understand that their apparent complexity is simply a result of the large number of customization options. In the end, manifests are used to deploy resources that interact with each other, which, among others, lead to the correct operations of containerized applications. Consequently, resources specified in a manifest must be configured accordingly. This article aims at explaining how manifests are structured to do so.

Divide container in equally sized divs

Let's imagine a container with three divs as content:

Docker HTTP (insecure) registry

By default Docker refuses to push/pull from registries that are not served using HTTPS.

Docker behind a proxy

Docker does not use environment variables for proxy configuration. This article presents how to configure Docker to use a proxy.

Docker images and containers management

Here are a few commands to manage docker images and containers

Docker restart container when docker restarts

Simply add the following flag when using docker run

Encrypted Mosquitto broker in Kubernetes

Encrypted Mosquitto broker in Kubernetes thumbnail
Mosquitto can usually be installed on an Ubuntu server fairly easily using the APT package manager. By Default, the broker handles unencrypted MQTT connections but it can be configured to use SSL certificates obtained, for example, using Certbot and thus enable MQTTs connections. This configuration is usually achieved by editing the Mosquitto configuration file in /etc/mosquitto so as to point to certificates obtained independently. However, when deploying Mosquitto to Kubernetes, one would prefer not to edit configuration files manually after install. Moreover, in Kubernetes, one can use Cert-manager to obtain SSL certificates. Thus, this article presents an efficient method to deploy a secure MQTTs broker in Kubernetes.

Encrypting Mosquitto using Certbot

This article presents how to encrypt a Mosquitto MQTT broker using SSL certificates obtained with Let's Encrypt