

K8s NGINX Deployment for Ingress test

An NGINX container can be quite useful to test whether one's Kubernetes setup is working. Here is one example manifest file that deploys such container with an appropriate service and ingress.

Publish a module to NPM

This article is based on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">this publiation</a>.

TypeScript setup

TypeScript setup thumbnail
A guide to setup a TypeScript project from scratch

Loading an Neo4J 3.X database in a Neo4J 4.X instance

Loading an Neo4J 3.X database in a Neo4J 4.X instance thumbnail
Importing data from a Neo4J v3 database into a v4 one can be a hassle. Here are the steps to achieve the migration.

Cert-manager Certificate Issuer

With cert-manager installed, SSL certificates can be automatically obtained for Ingresses deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. To achieve this, one must deploy the appropriate ClusterIssuers to the cluster. Here are example manifests to do so.

Managing disks in Linux

Hard disk drives (HDDs) and Solid state drives (SSDs) are currently the most widespread high capacity storage devices. When such a drive is connected to a computer running Linux, it can be found in the device directory <em>/dev/</em> under the name <em>sdX</em>, where <em>X</em> is a letter changing for each drive.

APIs: Why and how

APIs: Why and how thumbnail
From a simplistic point of view, software can be seen as a combination of operations performed on data. Data comes in, gets processed through a series of functions and some result comes out.

Securing an ingress with basic auth

This article describes how to use basic auth to protect an ingress in Kuberentes. It it <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">based on this page</a>.

Application containerization

Application containerization thumbnail
Let's imagine a developer building an application on his computer and that this application is meant to be deployed on a different machine (production environment). In order to execute properly, this application requires multiple libraries, binaries and packages. For example, a Python program requires the Python interpreter as well as all the imported Python modules.

SSH keys

SSH keys thumbnail
Using a key file can greatly increase security when connecting to a host via SSH. This article presents how to create such keys and configure hosts to use them.