

connect-history-api-fallback ignore certain routes

For example, if the route /file needs to be handled by express and not the single page application:

NodeJS modules

A JavaScript file can be imported as a module into another file using the <code>require</code> command. For example, he file myPackage.js can be imported as so:

Puppeteer setup for NodeJS

Puppeteer is a headless browser with which NodeJS can interact to automate web pages manipulation.

Testing in NodeJS with Mocha

Mocha is a popular testing framework for NodeJS. it can be installed using npm:

NodeJS app dockerization

NodeJS apps can be containerized using the <code>docker build</code> command. This article is based on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">this guide</a>.

Publish a module to NPM

This article is based on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">this publiation</a>.

Mongoose bulkWrite upsert

Here is a code snippet for a bulk update with upsert using Mongoose:

This very application, a CMS based on Neo4J

This very application, a CMS based on Neo4J thumbnail
Publishing articles on a website can be as simple as uploading HTML files to a web server. However, writing articles in raw HTML can be time consuming. A content management system (CMS) is an application designed to solve this issue by providing a simple way to create and manage web content directly from the web browser. There are many CMSs available, namely Wordpress or Joomla but I decided to create my own as a form of practice and in order to have it highly customized to my needs.

IoT Current consumption monitoring system

IoT Current consumption monitoring system thumbnail
When you don't know how much power your air conditioner draws, it's easy to leave it running without feeling too guilty. And then the electricity bill comes...
MQTTProjectsIoTNode.jsElectronics +1

Solar power setup

Solar power setup thumbnail
I got my hands on a 600W 12V inverter so I decided to experiment with generating my own electricity.
Node.jsMQTTExpressProjectsESP32 +3