

Energy transformation demonstration

Energy transformation demonstration thumbnail
Earlier this year, a friend of mine was organizing an event to promote eco-friendly behaviors. She wanted someone to talk about our relationship with energy and asked me to give a presentation on the topic, which I agreed to. I wanted the presentation to be entertaining so I designed a set of hardware demonstrations aimed at explaining physical concepts related to energy.

Wireless motion sensor

Wireless motion sensor thumbnail
This is a wireless motion sensor that runs on rechargeable batteries. It can be deployed anywhere and sends a signal using an NRF24L01 wirless module whenever it detects motion.

Cashless payment system

Cashless payment system thumbnail
A company I worked for had a coffee machine for which employees could purchase coffee. However, the payment was done by putting coins in a jar. Not only did this present the obvious risk of theft, this system was also impractical for people not carrying spare change at all time. I decided to solve this issue by designing this cashless payment system.
ElectronicsProjectsIoTMongoDBNode.js +1

Fingerprint scanner briefcase

Fingerprint scanner briefcase thumbnail
This briefcase is fitted with an electronic lock and a fingerprint reader so as to be unlocked with a simple touch. It also features a bluetooth module, which enables unlocking using a smartphone or computer.

IoT air conditioner controller

IoT air conditioner controller thumbnail
Air conditioners consume a fair amount of electricity. As such, forgetting to turn one off before leaving one's home can result in an expensive electricity bill. This is a Wi-Fi enabled controller for air condtioners, which can turn the unit on or off according to MQTT messages. It is built around an Wemos D1 mini and interfaces with the AC using an IR LED.

Solar power setup

Solar power setup thumbnail
I got my hands on a 600W 12V inverter so I decided to experiment with generating my own electricity.
Node.jsMQTTExpressProjectsESP32 +3

Barking alarm

Barking alarm thumbnail
Dogs are great at detering burglars from entering one's home. This system brings the same advantage, without the need for an actual dog.

HUD Goggles

HUD Goggles thumbnail
This headset enables the overlay of information on top of its user's field of view. The field of view of the user is captured by a camera and then fed to video goggles, while a MAX7456 OSD chip overlays text on the video feed.

Light controller with PIR sensor

Light controller with PIR sensor thumbnail
This is an IoT ceiling light controller which includes an HC-SR501 PIR motion sensor. It is built around a Wemos D1 mini (ESP8266 breakout board), which controls a homemade TRIAC breakout board. TRIACs provide the advantage of switching devices on and off silently, as opposed to a mechanical relay.

DHT and PIR sensor module

DHT and PIR sensor module thumbnail
This project consists of an HC-SR501 PIR motion sensor and a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor connected to a Wemos D1 mini, an ESP8266 breakout board.