

Microk8s manage SSL certificates DNS entries

Microk8s provides settings to add a custom domain to its DNS settings. This article presents how to do so.

Kubernetes persistent volumes

Applications deployed on a Kubernetes cluster run inside containers. As a consequence, their file system is that of the container, which means that if the container is removed, the data it contained is lost.

Kubernetes and Docker equivalence

Kubernetes and Docker equivalence thumbnail
Kubernetes is a container orchestration system. As such, it features functions that are similar to that of Docker. If a container can be run with the Docker CLI, it can also be run equivalently using Kubernetes. This articles highlights such equivalence by presenting how to deploy a PostgreSQL instance using both technologies.

Kubectl pull new version of image without changes to manifest

When using kubectl apply using an already applied and unchanged manifest file, nothing happens on the Kubernetes cluster. However, deployments can be configured so as to always pull a new version image upon restart. This is achieved using the, <code>imagePullPolicy: Always</code> parameter:

Kubectl create deplpoyment and service at same time

Simply add entries for both the deployment and the service in the same manifest, separeted by ---

K8s NGINX Deployment for Ingress test

An NGINX container can be quite useful to test whether one's Kubernetes setup is working. Here is one example manifest file that deploys such container with an appropriate service and ingress.

Gitlab CI commands for TF serving

This is an example .gitlab-ci.yml file which can be used to containerize and deploy a tensorflow model

GitLab Microk8s >1.24 certificate based integration

GitLab Microk8s >1.24 certificate based integration thumbnail
With newer versions of Microk8s, its GitLab integration changes slightly. Here are the key differences

GitLab CI Microk8s integration

GitLab CI Microk8s integration thumbnail
GitLab provides Kubernetes integration out of the box, which means that GitLab CI/CD Pipelines can be used to deploy applications in Kubernetes easily. This guide presents how to integrate a Kubernetes cluster in a GitLab Project and follows Gitlab documentation. For this particular case, the cluster will be that of a Microk8s Kubernetes distribution.

Generic Kubernetes manifest for web application deployment

Deployment name, container registry and service port are externalized, making this manifest general-purpose