

GitLab CI

GitLab CI is a feature of GitLab that allows users to have actions triggered upon pushing a repository to it's remote. For example, it can be used to execute all tests defined in the code, containerize the application and deploy it. A popular alternative to GitLab CI is Jenkins.

Deployment of a TensorFlow model to Kubernetes

Let’s imagine that you’ve just finished training your new TensorFlow model and want to start using it in your application(s). One obvious way to do so is to simply import it in the source code of every application that uses it. However, it might be more versatile to keep your model in one place as standalone and simply have applications exchange data with it through API calls. This article will go through the steps of building such a system and deploy the result to Kubernetes.
AI / MLDevOpsTensorFlow

Passing variables to Kubernetes manifest

When using kubectl apply, environment variables in Kubernetes manifests are not parsed. For this to happen, the envsubst command can be used.

Docker HTTP (insecure) registry

By default Docker refuses to push/pull from registries that are not served using HTTPS.

Creating a private docker registry for Kubernetes

A docker registry can be run easily using as a docker container using docker itself.

Generic Kubernetes manifest for web application deployment

Deployment name, container registry and service port are externalized, making this manifest general-purpose

Node.js testing for multiple environment variables

Node.js testing for multiple environment variables thumbnail
Some applications might require the same codebase to be tested with different sets of environment variables. This article proposes a simple way to do so.