

User management microservice based on Neo4J

User management microservice based on Neo4J thumbnail
Web applications commonly require a user database and the management logic for it. Having to build such software infrastructure for each individual app would be time consuming so I designed a general-purpose user management microservice that can be easily integrated in a project.

Group management microservice

Group management microservice thumbnail
As a graph database Neo4J is a great choice to manage highly relational data. On the other side, a great number of applications feature at least some form of user management system. With Neo4J, those users can be store as nodes and connected to other items via relationships. A typical example would be a blog, where both articles and users are individual nodes while authorships are represented by a relationship.

Deploy a Neo4J instance in Kubernetes

Using this manifest, a Neo4J instance can be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster

Loading an Neo4J 3.X database in a Neo4J 4.X instance

Loading an Neo4J 3.X database in a Neo4J 4.X instance thumbnail
Importing data from a Neo4J v3 database into a v4 one can be a hassle. Here are the steps to achieve the migration.

This very application, a CMS based on Neo4J

This very application, a CMS based on Neo4J thumbnail
Publishing articles on a website can be as simple as uploading HTML files to a web server. However, writing articles in raw HTML can be time consuming. A content management system (CMS) is an application designed to solve this issue by providing a simple way to create and manage web content directly from the web browser. There are many CMSs available, namely Wordpress or Joomla but I decided to create my own as a form of practice and in order to have it highly customized to my needs.