

Countries tracker

Countries tracker thumbnail
Nagoya Global Friends is an international community in Nagoya whose events gather people from all over the worlds. In order to visualize the various countries represented, I designed a simple Firebase application. The application allows users to register their home country, which gets stored in a Firestore database.

Habit tracker

Habit tracker thumbnail
Maintaining good habits can sometimes be hard. Recently, I've been looking at the way contributions are displayed on GitHub: a grid with a cell for each day, turning green if contributions have been made on that date. I realized that it motivated me to write code everyday, just to keep that grid as green as possible. So, I decided to create an app that provides a similar kind of motivation but for habits other than coding daily.

A GUI for ChartMuseum

A GUI for ChartMuseum thumbnail
ChartMuseum is an open-source Helm chart repository server which can be used as a self-hosted alternative to Artifact Hub. Although it originally consists of only a server-side application to be interacted with via a REST API, its official UI, ChartMuseumUI, can be deployed to interact with ChartMuseum graphically. Unfortunately, ChartMuseumUI seems to be broken and the GitHub repository has been inactive for years now. Thus, I decided to make my own GUI for ChartMuseum.

A simple comparison of Svelte and Vue

A simple comparison of Svelte and Vue thumbnail
Since its introduction in 2019, Svelte has quickly become one of the most loved JavaScript framework overtaking Vue.js in the State of JS ranking 2021 survey. This article presents a simple comparison of Vue.js and Svelte as an attempt to explain why.