Raspberry Pi based display board

Raspberry Pi based display board

I recently started using Grafana to visualize my apartment data. Although I can easily open a browser tab to view the dashboard I created, I wanted to have a standalone display dedicated to the task that I could put on a shelf of my living room.

I took apart the display of a dead laptop I had laying around and bought an HDMI adapter board for it, thus turning it into a standalone PC monitor.

With that done, I built a simple stand for the monitor, added 12V and 5V power supplies as well as a Raspberry pi and the hardware was pretty much done.

As a final step, I configured the Raspberry pi to open Chromium upon boot and show the Grafana dashboard in full screen. This is achieved by editing the file /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and adding the following line:

/usr/bin/chromium-browser --kiosk  --disable-restore-session-state