Rebuilding the GUI of this CMS with Nuxt.js

Rebuilding the GUI of this CMS with Nuxt.js

I have been using this CMS for several years now and overall, it has served me well. However, I mainly use it to showcase projects and share tutorials, which would highly benefit from SEO. Unfortunately, as the GUI of the CMS was built as an single page application (SPA), meta tags and other SEO options could not easily be generated for each article.

To solve this problem, I rebuilt this GUI using Nuxt.js as as to leverage server-side rendering (SSR). Articles are now fetched from the CMS API server-side, which allows meta tags to be set before sending content to clients.

Apart from SSR, new features of this GUI include the usage of Nuxt-auth to manage authentication and improvements to the article editor.

On the other hand, the editor still uses TipTap, which has been proven to be very versatile.

The source code for this new version is available on the same repository as its non-Nuxt version. The latter has been made available as a git branch.