
Users and groups in Linux

In linux, or at least Ubuntu, a user can be added using:

Inheritance in Python

Let's imagine that we have a python class as follows (Python 3):

Kubectl create deplpoyment and service at same time

Simply add entries for both the deployment and the service in the same manifest, separeted by ---

Kubectl pull new version of image without changes to manifest

When using kubectl apply using an already applied and unchanged manifest file, nothing happens on the Kubernetes cluster. However, deployments can be configured so as to always pull a new version image upon restart. This is achieved using the, <code>imagePullPolicy: Always</code> parameter:


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Reducing GitLab memory consumption

The memory consumption of GitLab can be reduced slightly by turning prometheus monitoring off:

Generic Kubernetes manifest for web application deployment

Deployment name, container registry and service port are externalized, making this manifest general-purpose

Deploy a Neo4J instance in Kubernetes

Using this manifest, a Neo4J instance can be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster

Apache reverse proxy for web app

Let's imagine that we've just finished developping a NodeJS application that listens for HTTP requests on port 8086 and that we have an Apache2 instance listening on port 80.

A GUI for ChartMuseum

A GUI for ChartMuseum thumbnail
ChartMuseum is an open-source Helm chart repository server which can be used as a self-hosted alternative to Artifact Hub. Although it originally consists of only a server-side application to be interacted with via a REST API, its official UI, ChartMuseumUI, can be deployed to interact with ChartMuseum graphically. Unfortunately, ChartMuseumUI seems to be broken and the GitHub repository has been inactive for years now. Thus, I decided to make my own GUI for ChartMuseum.