
Home automation

Home automation thumbnail
Few would argue that having lights turned on in a room without occupant is a waste of electricity. Ideally, lights and other appliances like air conditioners would only be turned on when someone is around. This project is a NodeJS application that gathers data about the occupancy of an apartment and manages appliances accordingly.

This very application, a CMS based on Neo4J

This very application, a CMS based on Neo4J thumbnail
Publishing articles on a website can be as simple as uploading HTML files to a web server. However, writing articles in raw HTML can be time consuming. A content management system (CMS) is an application designed to solve this issue by providing a simple way to create and manage web content directly from the web browser. There are many CMSs available, namely Wordpress or Joomla but I decided to create my own as a form of practice and in order to have it highly customized to my needs.

A template for Vue.js applications

A template for Vue.js applications thumbnail
Over the years, I have built multiple Vue.js applications. Although their business logic differs, those applications often share similar components such as a navigation panel, a header with my logo and an authentication mechanism. Writing those from scratch for each application would be time consuming so I designed an application template that can be installed using NPM to bootstrap my projects.

Finances management web app

Finances management web app thumbnail
Most banks nowadays provide e-banking interfaces that allow clients to monitor the state of their accounts. However, each bank has its own system and the provided interfaces sometimes lack functionalities. Consequently, I decided to create my own finance dashboard, that combines information regarding multiple accounts. Currently I use it to keep track of my bank accounts balance over time as well as provide a breakdown of my transactions.
ExpressNode.jsMongoDBInfluxDBWeb +2

API tester

API tester thumbnail
There are multiple tools available for API testing, Postman and Insomnia being probably the most popular. However, those are desktop applications that need to be installed. I wanted a solution that I can use in the browser so I made a simple web application to achieve basic API testing functions.


LINE Bot thumbnail
<p>LINE offers an API to developers looking into creating chat bots. I created my own so that I could send myself notifications.</p>

File POSTer

File POSTer thumbnail
Many web applications rely on the upload of files from client to server via a POST request. The content-type of this request is generally multipart/form-data. When developing the server-side of such application, being able to quickly test the upload feature can greatly increase productivity. So, I designed this simple web application that can POST a file to any URL.

Group management microservice

Group management microservice thumbnail
As a graph database Neo4J is a great choice to manage highly relational data. On the other side, a great number of applications feature at least some form of user management system. With Neo4J, those users can be store as nodes and connected to other items via relationships. A typical example would be a blog, where both articles and users are individual nodes while authorships are represented by a relationship.

Hazard prediction training web app

Hazard prediction training web app thumbnail
One of the companies I worked for put a lot of importance on safety. As a way to improve the employees' awareness of danger, there would be regular meetings during which participants would need to identify dangerous points in a picture. The results were written down and archived on paper, which I believed could be improved. So, I created this web application.

Group and User Pickers

Group and User Pickers thumbnail
With the user management and group management microservices, users and their groups can be easily queried through HTTP requests. However, the GUI that the user interacts with must also be properly designed so as to provide an optimal UX. To facilitate the query of users via the GUI, I designed a group and user picker component for Vue.js that can be easily installed using NPM.