

Minikube using insecure registry

By default, Minikube will not allow the usage of insecure docker registries. To change this setting, Minikube can be started as so:

Creating a private docker registry for Kubernetes

A docker registry can be run easily using as a docker container using docker itself.

Kubernetes persistent volumes

Applications deployed on a Kubernetes cluster run inside containers. As a consequence, their file system is that of the container, which means that if the container is removed, the data it contained is lost.

Passing variables to Kubernetes manifest

When using kubectl apply, environment variables in Kubernetes manifests are not parsed. For this to happen, the envsubst command can be used.

kubectl basics

Here are some of the basic kubectl commands.

Gitlab CI commands for TF serving

This is an example .gitlab-ci.yml file which can be used to containerize and deploy a tensorflow model

Securing an ingress with basic auth

This article describes how to use basic auth to protect an ingress in Kuberentes. It it <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">based on this page</a>.

Cert-manager Certificate Issuer

With cert-manager installed, SSL certificates can be automatically obtained for Ingresses deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. To achieve this, one must deploy the appropriate ClusterIssuers to the cluster. Here are example manifests to do so.

K8s NGINX Deployment for Ingress test

An NGINX container can be quite useful to test whether one's Kubernetes setup is working. Here is one example manifest file that deploys such container with an appropriate service and ingress.

MongoDB K8s manifest

Here's a simple manifest to deploy MongoDB with data persistence in microk8s: