

HUD Goggles

HUD Goggles thumbnail
This headset enables the overlay of information on top of its user's field of view. The field of view of the user is captured by a camera and then fed to video goggles, while a MAX7456 OSD chip overlays text on the video feed.

An RFID ring as a front door key

An RFID ring as a front door key thumbnail
Global warming and the COVID-19 pandemic are some the many challenges humanity is having to face. However, I somehow decided that the problem I was going to solve is having to take my keys out of my pocket whenever I lock or unlock my front door.

IoT LED controller

IoT LED controller thumbnail
Smart lights are usually some of the first appliances to be added to a smart home. Although those can nowadays be purchased easily from various brands, I wanted to have my own hardware so as to integrate it better with other devices and software. Thus, I decided to an IoT LED controller that I can use in various projects where lighting has to be controlled via network protocols.
FeaturedPCB designElectronicsWIPArduino +1

Low pass filter for Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32

A low pass filter written as class for Arduino code

IoT sensor module

IoT sensor module thumbnail
Although a wide variety of sensing devices can be envisioned for home automation systems, motion and temperature sensors are among the most widespread. This is mostly due to their low cost and simplicity of use. In order to equip multiple rooms of my apartment with such sensors, I designed a simple IoT sensing module that can easily be produced in any quantity.
ESP8266ArduinoIoTElectronicsMQTT +1

Wireless motion sensor

Wireless motion sensor thumbnail
This is a wireless motion sensor that runs on rechargeable batteries. It can be deployed anywhere and sends a signal using an NRF24L01 wirless module whenever it detects motion.

IoT Kernel

Over the years, I have written firmwares for various IoT devices such as lights, locks or heaters. Those firmwares would generally handle a common set of basic functions like managing wifi connection, serving a configuration web interface over HTTP or exchange MQTT messages. However, having to implement and maintain those functions for each individual firmware quickly became tedious work. Consequently, I decided to write a library to handle all those basic functions. This library is used as a base for IoT device firmwares, on top of which device-specific logic can easily be added.

Fingerprint scanner briefcase

Fingerprint scanner briefcase thumbnail
This briefcase is fitted with an electronic lock and a fingerprint reader so as to be unlocked with a simple touch. It also features a bluetooth module, which enables unlocking using a smartphone or computer.

Arduino button debounce function

Arduino button debounce function thumbnail
Physical buttons and switches do not switch between open and close position instantly and perfectly. Instead, they have a tendency to "bounce" between the two states before settling on one. This issue is thoroughly described in circuitdigest's excellent article. Consequently, when using such components with, for example, an Arduino microcontroller, a proper debouncing algorithm must be implemented.

PET bottle collecting robot

PET bottle collecting robot thumbnail
While at university, two friends and I registered as a team for the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">EPFL robots competition</a>. The objective of the competition is to build a robot that would collect PET bottles inside an arena and bring them back to a collection area. We figured the robot would need to be designed with a storage space as well as some form of path finding algorithm if we wanted it to be able to carry bottles to the collection area so decided to simply skip the step. Instead, we designed the robot as a bottle cannon that would shoot the bottles in the collection area.