

TDD for an Express application

TDD has been proven to significantly reduce the amount of bugs in software releases. Moreover, with CI/CD systems, tests can be run automatically before the application deployment, preventing a faulty application to reach its end user. This guide goes through the steps required to set up a TDD workflow with an Express application.

Self-hosted GitLab instance for DevOps on Ubuntu 18.04

GitLab provides a great number of tools needed for the DevOps cycle of an application. In this guide, we'll install a GitLab instance on our own server and configure it to fit our DevOps needs. Here, we will use a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 as a base.

Self hosted Docker registry

When using the <code>docker pull</code> command, container images are by default downloaded from docker hub, the official public registry for container images. However, for some projects, images are better stored on a private platform. This can be achieved by hosting one's own docker registry.

Passing variables to Kubernetes manifest

When using kubectl apply, environment variables in Kubernetes manifests are not parsed. For this to happen, the envsubst command can be used.

NodeJS app dockerization

NodeJS apps can be containerized using the <code>docker build</code> command. This article is based on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">this guide</a>.

Node.js testing for multiple environment variables

Node.js testing for multiple environment variables thumbnail
Some applications might require the same codebase to be tested with different sets of environment variables. This article proposes a simple way to do so.

Node.js DevOps example

Node.js DevOps example thumbnail
In this article, we’ll build a simple Node.js application that uses Express to respond to HTTP requests. In order to deploy this application to production, we’ll also configure a GitLab CI/CD pipeline so as to dockerize it and deploy its container to a Kubernetes cluster.

GitLab CI

GitLab CI is a feature of GitLab that allows users to have actions triggered upon pushing a repository to it's remote. For example, it can be used to execute all tests defined in the code, containerize the application and deploy it. A popular alternative to GitLab CI is Jenkins.

Getting Python's requests library to use a local DNS (Core-DNS, Docker-compose, etc.) while behind a proxy

When using Python's requests library, the requests are send through the proxy set as environment variables. Consequently, if the DNS to be used comes before said proxy, the host might not be resolved. This typically happens when resolving a host in Kubernetes using Core-DNS. If the request first leaves the Kubernetes cluster to reach the proxy, then the DNS server becomes unreachable, making the request fail.

Generic Kubernetes manifest for web application deployment

Deployment name, container registry and service port are externalized, making this manifest general-purpose