

A simple comparison of Svelte and Vue

A simple comparison of Svelte and Vue thumbnail
Since its introduction in 2019, Svelte has quickly become one of the most loved JavaScript framework overtaking Vue.js in the State of JS ranking 2021 survey. This article presents a simple comparison of Vue.js and Svelte as an attempt to explain why.

A template for Vue.js applications

A template for Vue.js applications thumbnail
Over the years, I have built multiple Vue.js applications. Although their business logic differs, those applications often share similar components such as a navigation panel, a header with my logo and an authentication mechanism. Writing those from scratch for each application would be time consuming so I designed an application template that can be installed using NPM to bootstrap my projects.


MQTThree thumbnail
A simple framework using Three.js and MQTT to easily create digital twins
FeaturedThree.jsProjectsIoTMQTT +2

Managing router query parameters in Vue.js

Managing router query parameters in Vue.js thumbnail
URL query parameters are a convenient way to store the state of a view so that the user can return to it using the back button after navigating away. This short article introduces a method to add parameters to the current URL.

Rebuilding the GUI of this CMS with Nuxt 3

Rebuilding the GUI of this CMS with Nuxt 3 thumbnail
The GUI of this CMS has gone through multiple versions and revisions. It started as a Vue.js SPA but was then turned into a Nuxt SSR application to improve SEO. Recently, Nuxt version 3 was released so it was again time for a refresh.

Using v-model on a prop

Using v-model on a prop thumbnail
With Vue.js, passing data to a child component is generally achieved using props. However, mutating props from a child component is generally considered bad practice. This short tutorial shows how to circumvent this constraint by using custom setters and getters on computed properties.

Vue Router setup in Vue 3

Vue Router setup in Vue 3 thumbnail
Previously, when creating a Vue project using the Vue CLI, the Vue Router could be installed easily by running vue add router. However, with Vue 3 and Vite, the router is installed manually. This article presents how to do so.

Vue3 Options vs Composition API

This article presents code snippets illustrating how to transition from the Options API to the Composition API in Vue 3.

Wardrobe and outfits management web app

Wardrobe and outfits management web app thumbnail
Have you ever bought a piece of clothing only to come home and realize you already had a similar one in your wardrobe? This happened to me the other day so I decided to fix the problem. To do so, I designed a simple web application in which the user can keep track of all the garments they own.
Vue.jsMongoDBMongooseVuetifyWIP +3

Web based approval system

Web based approval system thumbnail
With the COVID-19 and the introduction of remote work, a many Japanese companies were struggling with the approval of documents, since those needed to be physically stamped with one's personal seal named Hanko. I decided to solve this issue by creating a web application to keep track of approvals