Mongoose query documents with matching array element

Mongoose query documents with matching array element

As a NoSQL database, MongoDB can store arrays as fields of a document. This article presents how to query such documents by filtering those with arrays that contain a specific value.

Let's imagine a collection containing the following movie records:

    title: 'Inception',
    actors: [
      'Tom Hardy'
      'Leonardo DiCaprio'
    title: 'The Dark Knight Rises',
    actors: [
      'Tom Hardy',
      'Christian Bale',
    title: 'The Dark Knight',
    actors: [
      'Christian Bale',
      'Heath Ledger'

There would be cases where one would want to query all movies in which a specific actor starred.

With Mongoose, this can be achieved using the find() function as follows:

const moviesStarringTomHardy = await Movies.find({actors: 'Tom Hardy'})