
Network basics

When data needs to be exchanged between several computers, those need to be connected to each other, i.e. forming a network.

Neighbridge homepage

Neighbridge homepage thumbnail
Neighbridge is an international community in Nagoya. I've been joining their events for quite some time and heard that their organizers wanted to improve their online visibility. As this relates to my line of work, I provided some help to design and deploy

Multi-user MQTT platform

Multi-user MQTT platform thumbnail
Mosquitto is usually the first candidate to come to mind when looking for an MQTT broker. However, by default, Mosquitto manages users using a password file. This makes it difficult to easily add or remove users, especially when the broker is deployed in Kubernetes.
ProjectsKubernetesMQTTWIPSecurity +1


Mosquitto is an open source message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. It is lightweight and is suitable for use on all devices from low power single board computers to full servers.

Mongoose query documents with matching array element

Mongoose query documents with matching array element thumbnail
As a NoSQL database, MongoDB can store arrays as fields of a document. This article presents how to query such documents by filtering those with arrays that contain a specific value.

Mongoose bulkWrite upsert

Here is a code snippet for a bulk update with upsert using Mongoose:

Mongoose bulk update upsert

MongoDB's upsert option enables the creation of a new document if the query of an update operationdoesn't match any existing document. Basically, an update command with upsert creates a document if it does notexist already, and update it otherwise.

MongoDB K8s manifest

Here's a simple manifest to deploy MongoDB with data persistence in microk8s:

Modeling profile webpage

Modeling profile webpage thumbnail
Foreign models are quite in demand in Japan and as such it is not uncommon for foreigners living there to have a side activity in the modeling industry. I had the chance to meet the manager a <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">AZS entertainment</a> and was told that the agency was currently recruiting. So, since I am always looking for new life experiences, I decided to join.

Minikube using insecure registry

By default, Minikube will not allow the usage of insecure docker registries. To change this setting, Minikube can be started as so: