

Finances management web app

Finances management web app thumbnail
Most banks nowadays provide e-banking interfaces that allow clients to monitor the state of their accounts. However, each bank has its own system and the provided interfaces sometimes lack functionalities. Consequently, I decided to create my own finance dashboard, that combines information regarding multiple accounts. Currently I use it to keep track of my bank accounts balance over time as well as provide a breakdown of my transactions.
ExpressNode.jsMongoDBInfluxDBWeb +2

Home automation

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Few would argue that having lights turned on in a room without occupant is a waste of electricity. Ideally, lights and other appliances like air conditioners would only be turned on when someone is around. This project is a NodeJS application that gathers data about the occupancy of an apartment and manages appliances accordingly.

Smart home control panel (SHCP)

Smart home control panel (SHCP) thumbnail
I've been using&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">Home Assistant</a>&nbsp;to control my home IoT devices for a while. Although it fulfills all my needs, I wanted to make my own system so as to get a fully customized smart home control panel and learn how to build such an application in the process.
MQTTNode.jsIoTWebSocketProjects +2

Express authorization middleware

Many applications require some form of authorization mechanism to prevent users from accessing restricted content. Authenticated users are commonly in possession of a cookie containing identification data. With the authentication microservice that I designed, this cookie contains a JWT that contains the user's username. This JWT is sent in the authorization header of HTTP requests. Thus, authorization can be performed easily within each application by simply decoding the JWT. To do so, I designed this simple middleware for ExpressJS.


LINE Bot thumbnail
<p>LINE offers an API to developers looking into creating chat bots. I created my own so that I could send myself notifications.</p>

Cashless payment system

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A company I worked for had a coffee machine for which employees could purchase coffee. However, the payment was done by putting coins in a jar. Not only did this present the obvious risk of theft, this system was also impractical for people not carrying spare change at all time. I decided to solve this issue by designing this cashless payment system.
ElectronicsProjectsIoTMongoDBNode.js +1

Fixed asset management system

Fixed asset management system thumbnail
Many companies rely on spreadsheets to keep track of their fixed assets. However, spreadsheets are commonly designed to be edited manually, which makes automation difficult.

Image upload microservice

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An image is worth a thousand words and probably even more if comparing their size in bytes. When designing my CMS, I originally intended to store images directly in the article, encoded in Base64. However, this would considerably increase the size of each article, making the whole CMS slow.
WebWIPNode.jsMongoDBProjects +1

Node.js DevOps example

Node.js DevOps example thumbnail
In this article, we’ll build a simple Node.js application that uses Express to respond to HTTP requests. In order to deploy this application to production, we’ll also configure a GitLab CI/CD pipeline so as to dockerize it and deploy its container to a Kubernetes cluster.

Group management microservice

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As a graph database Neo4J is a great choice to manage highly relational data. On the other side, a great number of applications feature at least some form of user management system. With Neo4J, those users can be store as nodes and connected to other items via relationships. A typical example would be a blog, where both articles and users are individual nodes while authorships are represented by a relationship.