

kubectl basics

Here are some of the basic kubectl commands.

Updating Ingresses to

Updating Ingresses to thumbnail
Using Ingress with the extensions/v1beta1 API has been deprecated in Kubernetes 1.14 and will be removed in 1.22. This article presents how to update an existing manifest to the new API,

Solving Kong latency problems in Kubernetes

Solving Kong latency problems in Kubernetes thumbnail
Kong is a popular API gateway that can be used as a reverse proxy for clients to access back-end services. It can be run as a Docker container and, as such, can be deployed to Kubernetes. However, when doing so, requests might be severely impacted by unusually high latency. This can be solved by configuring the order in which Kong resolves DNS records.

Securing an ingress with basic auth

This article describes how to use basic auth to protect an ingress in Kuberentes. It it <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">based on this page</a>.

Passing variables to Kubernetes manifest

When using kubectl apply, environment variables in Kubernetes manifests are not parsed. For this to happen, the envsubst command can be used.

OpenProject in Kubernetes

OpenProject is an awesome project management application that can be installed on one's own server. This makes it ideal for users who want to keep control over their data. However, at the time of writing this article, OpenProject does not yet provide installation methods for Kubernetes so I decided to write my own manifest files.

Node.js DevOps example

Node.js DevOps example thumbnail
In this article, we’ll build a simple Node.js application that uses Express to respond to HTTP requests. In order to deploy this application to production, we’ll also configure a GitLab CI/CD pipeline so as to dockerize it and deploy its container to a Kubernetes cluster.

Multi-user MQTT platform

Multi-user MQTT platform thumbnail
Mosquitto is usually the first candidate to come to mind when looking for an MQTT broker. However, by default, Mosquitto manages users using a password file. This makes it difficult to easily add or remove users, especially when the broker is deployed in Kubernetes.
ProjectsKubernetesMQTTWIPSecurity +1

MongoDB K8s manifest

Here's a simple manifest to deploy MongoDB with data persistence in microk8s:

Minikube using insecure registry

By default, Minikube will not allow the usage of insecure docker registries. To change this setting, Minikube can be started as so: