


LINE Bot thumbnail
<p>LINE offers an API to developers looking into creating chat bots. I created my own so that I could send myself notifications.</p>

Mongoose bulkWrite upsert

Here is a code snippet for a bulk update with upsert using Mongoose:

Multi-user MQTT platform

Multi-user MQTT platform thumbnail
Mosquitto is usually the first candidate to come to mind when looking for an MQTT broker. However, by default, Mosquitto manages users using a password file. This makes it difficult to easily add or remove users, especially when the broker is deployed in Kubernetes.
ProjectsKubernetesMQTTWIPSecurity +1

Node.js DevOps example

Node.js DevOps example thumbnail
In this article, we’ll build a simple Node.js application that uses Express to respond to HTTP requests. In order to deploy this application to production, we’ll also configure a GitLab CI/CD pipeline so as to dockerize it and deploy its container to a Kubernetes cluster.

Node.js testing for multiple environment variables

Node.js testing for multiple environment variables thumbnail
Some applications might require the same codebase to be tested with different sets of environment variables. This article proposes a simple way to do so.

NodeJS app dockerization

NodeJS apps can be containerized using the <code>docker build</code> command. This article is based on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">this guide</a>.

NodeJS modules

A JavaScript file can be imported as a module into another file using the <code>require</code> command. For example, he file myPackage.js can be imported as so:

Publish a module to NPM

This article is based on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">this publiation</a>.

Puppeteer setup for NodeJS

Puppeteer is a headless browser with which NodeJS can interact to automate web pages manipulation.

Smart home control panel (SHCP)

Smart home control panel (SHCP) thumbnail
I've been using&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">Home Assistant</a>&nbsp;to control my home IoT devices for a while. Although it fulfills all my needs, I wanted to make my own system so as to get a fully customized smart home control panel and learn how to build such an application in the process.
MQTTNode.jsIoTWebSocketProjects +2